Terms of Use

Tileworld Terms of Use

Last modified on July 22, 2021 at 12:18 PM EST.

If there is anything wrong with this list, please let us know on our Discord server.

1. Accounts

1A. Account creation

By creating account, you agree to Tileworld's Terms of Use, SuperJumpBros Games' and our Terms of use, our Privacy Policy, and our Community Guidelines. When you create an account on Tileworld, you also create an account for SuperJumpBros' Games, which are the people that created Tileworld.

When you access another site from Tileworld, the site may have a different Terms of Service than ours.

1B: Account security

Do not give anyone your account information, as it will compromise your account, and you could possibly lose access to it. We recommend you use different passwords for every site so you don't get hacked everywhere.

Do not attempt to rob or steal any user's account, this includes the following:

2. Advertisements

2A. Content

The content in our advertisements may not comply with our Terms of Use, we cannot control this. We use Google AdSenseā„¢, a Google product, to provide advertisements.

2B. Adblock

An adblock is allowed, but it is recommended to deactivate it, so that we can continue to provide our services.

3. User Generated Content

3A. Disallowed uses.

You are forbidden to upload or distribute anything that goes against the Tileworld Terms of Use or Community Guidelines, this is disclosed in detail on our Community Guidelines.

3B. Links

As stated later in this page, offsite links are forbidden, with some exclusions.

4. Offsite links

You are not allowed to upload offsite links onto our site, Exclusions are:

5. Children

5A. Age requirement

You must be over the age of digital consent in your country with a guardians permission, or legally an adult to sign up to our site. The reason is located in our Privacy Policy, on section 2, part A.

6. Game code

6A. No redistribution of private code.

This includes, but is not limited to:

Tileworld is a game that is supposed to be somewhat open source. Parts that require server-side code are not open source.